2023 OJS Haiku Contest Award

This year we had 49 entries for Japanese Haiku and 17 entries for English Haiku for our annual OJS Haiku Contest. Prizes were awarded at the OJS Culture Day in January 2023. Thanks to all for taking part and congratulations to the winners!

Japanese Haiku

Hiragana class students

Chairperson's Award: かいてんずし ほっかいどうで うみをみた (T.E.)

OJS Award (by Trustees) : サンタさん にほんのおもちゃ くれるかな (N.E.)

Students Award: レゴがすき たくさんできる ふゆやすみ (F.Y.)

Primary school students

Chairperson's Award: 庭の池 ゆっくりゆっくりと 泳ぐ鯉 (Z.S.)

OJS Award (by Trustees) : いい香り 黄色にうれた かりんの実 (K.A.)

Students Award (Gold) : ふゆの空 おどりながらおりる 雪のけっしょう (T.A.)

Students Award (Silver) : うっとりと まどから見える 秋の月 (M.E.)

Students Award (Bronze): 食べすぎた ぞうにおしるこ いそべやき (E.E.)

Secondary school students

Chairperson's Award: パンプキン みんな眠ると 動き出す (T.K.)

OJS Award (by Trustees) : キツネの尾 世界を見せて 秋の幻想 (O.A.)

OJS Award (by Trustees) : 秋の川 赤と金の葉 どこへ行く (F.T.)

Students Award (Gold): りんごの木 おいしいけれど 食べきれない (H.R.)

Students Award (Silver): 動けない こたつの中で かぎ編み中 (E.H.)

Students Award (Bronze): つかれるな いつも雨ふり イギリスだ (F.S.)

English Haiku

Chairperson's Award
Pumpkins around me, Sinister smiles lighting up, Which rekindles fear (K.M.)

OJS Award (by Trustees)
I like crunching leaves The ruby red ones stand out Cobwebs in the trees (I.L.)

Students Award (Gold)
Clouds that twirl and dance Blue with endless depth and hope Stretching forever (I.G.)

Students Award (Silver)
Farewell autumn leaves, floating away in the breeze, till we meet in spring (H.B.)

Students Award (Bronze)
Leaves fly through the air, With their branches left empty, Swaying in the wind (D.S.)